43.1 Gay Boomgaarden is taking control.
43.2 Ash and Ember
43.3 Dev interjects. In the background Root is fiddling with one of the inert game tables.
43.4 Suddenly the table Root was fiddling with lights up with the company logo.
Holographic game tables are in the recreation deck set from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. The Propspero is a new build and has some gadgets that won’t make it in to the Enterprise for another 5–10 years.
The futuristic Acorn Computer logo is completely stolen from one Dave Jeffery designed for the Acorn emulator on GNU/Linux.
With apologies to Gene Roddenberry and the many professionals and amateurs who have created the Star Trek universe over the years.
This silly webcomic is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures Corp or the STAR TREK franchise. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.