John bet-Orlek is conducting a standing meeting for his team (Vinokurov, Cheung, and Honda are out of shot) as they work on getting ‘their’ work bee ready for an e.v.a.
Bad enough that this strip requires drawing the back of people’s heads, which is tricky for me at the best of times, but it suddently came to me that I had no idea what the back of a Sikh turban looks like. Naturally images of Sikhs online are mostly taken from the front, so they don’t help. Lucky for me that, just as some people post how-to videos about tying a tie, others post videos about tying a turban—and these do show turbans from a variety of angles.
I am fudging things a bit here: you never see people on the bridge talking to their subordinates using their console displays, but I can see no reason why Venkatrangan can’t do it if he prefers it.
Captain Zhou is referring to Lt Cdr Ruh, science officer of the Mumbai.
With apologies to Gene Roddenberry and the many professionals and amateurs who have created the Star Trek universe over the years.
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